
Starting or Selecting a Union

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Starting or Selecting a Union


The following resources can be helpful when starting or selecting a union:



Share stories, strategies and information with other library workers.




Start here to find labor contacts and read about the union agenda. Check out your State Federations and Central Labor Councils and identify what unions are active in your area.



DPE, AFL-CIO A coalition of 23 unions representing four million professional, technical and other highly skilled white collar workers. Learn more about unions for professionals and what they can offer. Is it unprofessional to join a union? Will a union stifle individual achievement? How democratic are unions? Find the answers to these and other questions on the professional and technical workers’ FAQs page.



Contact Pamela Wilson at DPE for referrals to unions representing library workers in your area: pwilson@dpeaflcio.org



An open forum for library employees who want to discuss salary issues.


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