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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Documenting U.S. Working Class History.

The Tamiment Library is one of the preeminent research institutions on U.S. labor and radical movements. Since 1977, it has housed the Robert F. Wagner Archives, which holds the histories of the New York City Central Labor Council and its 200 member unions. It also contains the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives.

Originally founded as the Meyer London Library in 1906, the library was part of the Rand School for Social Science and was an early repository of socialist and labor materials. NYU acquired the library in 1963, but the library maintains an independent vision that embraces the legacies of the various socialist, communist, anarchist and other working class organizations and struggles in U.S. history. In short, its mission is to “preserve the history of the Left and the social aspects of the multifaceted movements for social change.”

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